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We have known each other since junior high school. Although we are not actually buddy, but, I consider him as one of the most loyal friend of mine. Because he is always there when I am in need. Every time I think about that, I realize how little I have done for him. I still remember how he patiently let me use his computer to do some printings until very late at night.

I also learn many things from him. He is the first person that makes me interested in building home page and his home page is the first model I have studied. I admire him in this matter, because he is able to build such a nice page with his old 486. You can visit his page at:

Well, he is in another part of the world now, trying to make his own way in this life. And to be frankly speaking, I really miss him. However, we sometimes chat over Netmeeting, IRC or ICQ. 

Lip, I want you to know that you are one of the few person I ever trust. Thank you for being such a great friend.



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