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TIME: Monday, July  5, 1999 00:53:19
Full Name: Stefan Garvig

Comments: Hi,
Fine homepage you've made. Now, do you know if it is possible to buy Star Trek uniforms? I have tried lots of places on the Net, but nowhere is the place of selling - it seems.
Thank you in advance.
Best Regards,
Stef@n G@rvig

Answer : Dear Stefan, You might be able to get it from :


TIME: Thursday, July 15, 1999 06:29:47
Full Name: Robert Stapleton

Comments: Can you tell me about the Star Trek Website USS Jaguar, I tried to join up on it last month. Any of your regular visitors here heard of it or tried to play it...its a virtual starship type game. Any information would be appreciated.

Answer : Dear Robert, the site you are asking is at It is indeed a great Star Trek site. It has won many awards such as 1997's Best Site  by Trek Best Sites. You can join it if you are under 18. However, I do not think that there is any Star Trek game titled "U.S.S. Jaguar" yet, because I could not find any reviews on it on the net. The screen-shots you were looking at are probably comes from another Star Trek games.



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