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Welcome friends !!

Finally, I have completed the job. It took me more than a year to build this site, well, it is not perfect and I keep developing it. Since I am not good in building website, I often use trial and error method. This site you are looking now is the 9th version I have built this year. The other 8 are doomsday, not mentioning the ones I built last year, hehe.

Below is a brief description on what you can get:

Ten Forward is the place you meet others. From Star Trek Actors/Actresses to some guys who have just come across this tiny spot in the galaxy by chance. You can also download your favorite music in The Music Lounge.

Trek Stories is where you can read some exotic Star Trek stories by me or others (you can submit your own stories). Or maybe you want to explore the unknown in the Interactive Star Trek stories. What would you do if a comet is coming? Find out in Mystify Your Mind.

Trekclopedia is a tool provided for you to type in your questions about Star Trek or anything else to me. In The Archives, there are stunning graphics from StarCraft and some Movie Posters.


About Me
Ten Forward
Officer Lounge
James T. Kirk

VIP Lounge
KST-22 Clan
Music Lounge
A - B
C - D
E - I
J - L
M - P
Q - S
T - Z
Trek Stories
Mystify Your Mind
Go to Mars

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This site was born by the help of many nice people. Thanks to Philips for the knowledge of building a web page; Pendy (my big brother) for the online time and peripherals; Otto and Adri for their bright ideas and companion, Dayat for the CD; My mother and father for so caring; and ALL OF YOU who has visited this site.

Thank you for your time and enjoy.

Copyright: Fajar Priyanto 1998


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About Me

Ten Forward

Trek Stories


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