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Out of sudden, your government announce that a comet is coming approaching earth - estimated time of impact: 6 months. It has been kept secret for 2 years, and now they make it public because they have not found any effective ways to deal with it, yet. So, they think the public deserve to know the truth and prepare themselves. The experts predict that the comet is big enough to cause a holocaust if not doomsday. So, what would you do?


TIME: Wednesday, July  7, 1999 16:30:18
Full Name: Belldandy

Comments: Accelerate the speed of the comet so it can pass the speed of light. It is predicted that the comet will pass the speed of light at the distance of 100 km from earth. Once it has passed the speed of light, time will go back for the meteor. The meteor will backtrack his path since time is reversed. (geeee i wish that can happened)

TIME: Wednesday, July  7, 1999 18:57:20

Full Name: Victor R.S.


Comments: All in all, you've done a good job.  BTW, what would YOU do if your life is 6 months and a comet away from termination?  (Put your thoughts on the page.)  Were you inspired by the prophecy of Nostradamus?  If you were not (or were), maybe you might want to check it out on the net (keyword: nostradamus, or meteor, doomsday).  You will find lots of web pages connecting to this matter.
My final question:  Do YOU believe that?  Or do you have another version (your own version) of the prophecy.  Use your own imagination or connect it to the bible.

TIME: Saturday, July  10, 1999 09:00:13
Full Name: Fajar

Comments: Well, looks like a friend of mine has asked for my opinion as well (never thought about it, thanks). First of all, I want to make clear that Mystify Your Mind is intended as a place for any imaginations people have about certain subject. In spite of they believe it or not. So, if I am asked whether I believe that a comet is going to hit Earth; I would say, "It does not matter, because I simply do not know."
So, what would I do if it is true? I think that I would just keep praying, tuning in on the news about the comet, where and when the impact would be, what we should do if we survive it. And most IMPORTANT : I will thank God even more for His Glory, and cherish the time I still have with my parents and family happily.

TIME: Thursday, July 15, 1999 01:26:50
Full Name: Victor R S

Comments: This is from a short comic I read in the US (similar question).  The answer: A modern city yuppies male would:
(1)  Stockpile the important survival stuff.  (Which is in this case: Tons of Viagra and a couple of canned food.)
(2)  Prepare to leave the convenient economy of banking and money to the older version of bartering. There will be no more economy after the impact, dude. (In other word:  Keep those precious tradable Beenie Babies safely locked, one of these babies can feed you for a month or so.)
(3)  Kiss the high-tech stuff adios.  (No more 1 - ton - engine - 2000 - HP lawn-mowing monster...Sob...Sniff)
(4)  Buy the biggest, toughest, meanest SUV in the market, then bury it under the ground to make sure it survive the meteor blast.  Purpose: for the aftermath,  Madmax style, "Size does matter!"

TIME: Saturday, July 17, 1999 01:12:47
Full Name: Victor R.S.

Comments: (Unscientific Answers...^_^)
1.  Get the scientists to pinpoint the exact coordinate of impact, then
build a giant spring to absorb the collision force and repel that blasted thing back to space.
2.  Torture Bill Gates to force him to fork over the secret of time travel so we can go to the the future (where he is from) and acquire the technology(ies) we can use to take care of the meteor mayhem... and the next winning lottery number.  THERE HE IS.  GET HIM !!!(Hey, at least I didn't say he is an alien or even the devil).
3.  Fire all of the NASA staff (Why those no - good - tax - payer's - money-grabber-budget-eater-sleeping-on-the-job bunch of
#$^@$&!% S.O.B.s!!), then replace them with the winning team of Hollywood Disney's Armageddon motion picture.  With them in charge, that comet/meteor won't stand a chance.
4.  Get married real quick, quit your job, sell all of your possession, say goodbye to everybody, use the money to move with your new wife to a remote deserted paradise island in the middle of nowhere, live like Adam and Eve, running around naked, have lots of passionate (and not to mention) wild
animal sex (with your wife, not the animals.  That would be.. sick) every day and night, hours after hours, day in day out (after all, it's your honeymoon), until you die of exhaustion... or the comet... or starvation... or boredom, whichever comes first.

GENERAL SURGEON'S WARNING:  DO NOT attempt any of these suggestion.  It may prove to be HAZARDOUS to your health, both physically and especially mentally.

(Now, how's that for imagination.)

TIME: Friday, July 23, 1999 08:40:19
Full Name: Steven Lucky

Comments: Good question. Probably use the last two years to do things that I always want to do, like traveling to different places in earth. If possible, try to help to find a solution to help the problem. If not, then I feel that I have given my best shot and that's it.



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